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Top legislator urges getting edge in new int'l competition

BEIJING, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Top legislator Wu Bangguo on Saturday called for efforts to gain China the edge in the latest round of international competition by developing emerging industries.

Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), made the remarks when deliberating the government work report with NPC deputies from Hubei Province.

To achieve that, Wu said China must develop emerging industries, take technological high ground, and foster new areas of economic growth, which is also essential to the transformation of economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and industrial upgrading.

"The international financial crisis will bring about an unprecedented scientific and technological revolution," Wu said.

Wu urged the deputies from the province to explore new methods and mechanism for technological innovation and balanced development so that the province could "take the lead in the transformation of economic growth pattern."

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered the government work report on Friday morning at the annual NPC session, which is scheduled to close on March 14.

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